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Application of Food Additive Calcium Sulfate (Gypsum) in Beer Production

Source:Leixin Gypsum Time:2017-10-20 13:54:03 Reading times:3885


Application of Food Additive Calcium Sulfate (Gypsum) in Beer Production


Abstract: Gypsum in the brewing process is mainly used for the brewing water’s hardness and calcium concentration’s adjustment to control the gelatinization, saccharification mash and wort pH reasonable in order to facilitate the full role of various enzymes during the gelatinization, saccharification process and improve the composition of wort. It’s also good for the coagulation and precipitation of high molecular protein in the wort, which has a great impact on the beer's non-biological stability and taste quality. Gypsum in the brewing process is generally added in the process of saccharification and gelatinization.



石膏在啤酒酿造过程中主要用于对酿造用水的硬度和Ca2+ 浓度的调节,使糊化、糖化醪液及麦汁 pH 得到合理的控制,以利于糊化,糖化过程各种酶系的充分作用,改善麦汁的组分。同时也利于麦汁中的高分子蛋白充分凝固和析出,对啤酒的非生物稳定性及口味质量均有很大的影响[1]。石膏在啤酒酿造过程中的添加一般是在糖化、糊化过程中。



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