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Soil Lawn Garden Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) Fertilizer

Source:leixin Time:2017-06-20 10:20:13 Reading times:4513

Soil lawn garden gypsum (calcium sulfate) fertilizer is made from natural gypsum ore after fine grinding, contains about 20% of calcium and 17% of sulfur. It can be widely used in schools, parks, commercial use of the lawn and garden and compost. Less cost and widely used, we recommend using in spring and autumn.

The most obvious benefit of gypsum fertilizer is that it can loose heavy clay soil and make easier air and water penetration to promote grass and plant growth. It also adds the important nutrients of sulfur and calcium, non-toxic, non-corrosive. Promote the lush lawn, rich garden, timber forest and plant in prosperity.

One of the key in the production of healthy plants and the strong green grass is soil structure. As a natural soil conditioner, gypsum fertilizer sets up more loose soil structure to make more air, water and other nutrients circulation and promotes strong root system.

Gypsum can help prolong flowing and prevent root rot, fall buds.


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