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The fire drill was a complete success in 2012.

Source:leixin gypsum Time:2017-06-10 09:03:17 Reading times:3906


  Leixin Gypsum 9 July 2012——The fire drill was a complete success in the Leixin factory. The drill formulated the complete plan on purpose, emphasized labors of organization and division, ensured orderly. Through this drill, we found the shortage in the fire control work, such as some employees were lack of recognition of the extinguisher. After the worker explained, all the employees had a deeper understanding. Through this drill we improved the fire safety consciousness, enhanced the ability of employees to escape, tested the fire control equipment operation, at the same time were ready to the safety precaution. All the staff in the company had further practical experience in a certain degree of fire accident, emergency evacuation and the correct use of the extinguisher. We had basically completed the purpose of the fire drill.


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